who we are

Comfort Literacy Intervention & Capacity Enhancement (CLICE) Foundation is a registered nonprofit organisation that combines multi-stakeholder resources, in partnership with vulnerable households and communities, to create innovative, inclusive, and adaptable solutions aimed at enhancing livelihoods through sustainable economic development. Our overall goal is to contribute in significant ways to the journey of self-reliance within Africa’s base populations.



CLICE Foundation works with partners to co-create and implement social-economic development interventions aimed at addressing challenges to livelihood through multidimensional strategies. We are open to partnership and collaboration with both the private sector and the public sector. This is based on our belief that Private Sector resources can be leveraged for accelerated impact while driving inclusive economic growth and development in Africa.

With the new world order in mind, our digital transformation journey post the COVID-19 pandemic which exposed us to challenges we converted to opportunities to digitize our internal processes and leverage digital tools for service delivery to our beneficiaries. We are Agile and integrate Design Thinking into programme and interventions designs with the overall goal of  innovating new solutions to solve problems across our thematic areas to ensure we  accelerate impact, while also staying relevant in creating sustainable and inclusive solutions that impact the livelihood of people. CLICE Foundation is gradually becoming a technology and digitally inclusive driven organization with the recent unveiling of an incentivized agric-insurtech solution aimed at mitigating climate and agricultural risks that negatively impact the livelihood of both small and large scale commercial farmers as well as key actors in the agricultural value chain.

We pride ourselves in introducing the first Nigerian Agric-Insurtech solution, Izanu Africa


Accelerating impact through partnerships is at the core of our work. We love the African proverbs that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We are open to partnering and collaborating with you because we want to go FAR.
Your support and contibutions are appreciated and essential for the long term sustained impact of our work.